Why You Should Start a Podcast for Your Business

You’ve probably listened to a podcast… on your work commute, on the treadmill, or while you’re cooking. Currently, there are 464.7 million podcast listeners globally, and it’s predicted that there will be around 504.9 million podcast listeners worldwide by the end of 2024. Another stat to take note of? The United States has the most podcast listeners in the world. It is predicted that over 100 million active podcast listeners will be in the U.S. in 2023.

With that kind of growth for podcast consumption, it’s not surprising that starting your own business podcast has become one of the most powerful marketing and advertising streams, and sources of information. What might be surprising is that the podcasting space is relatively young, and thus is an opportunity to get ahead in your industry.

Here are a few reasons why you might want to start a podcast for your business:

  1. It builds your target audience by driving organic traffic.

    People choose to listen to you, and it’s a great way to target individuals based on their interests and preferences. Naturally, your listeners will weed themselves out and narrows down your audience that’s genuinely interested in your content. That also means they’ll be more interested in what products you have to sell. 38% of people who listen to podcasts state that they have purchased products or services mentioned on those podcasts. Podcasts also help to build customer relationships and trust.

  2. It’s an easy way to stretch your content and helps you organize your thoughts and strategies.

    Your Instagram post can be related to your blog which can be used in your weekly email which can include your podcast that goes into more detail about what you talked about in your Instagram post… you get the idea. You can essentially talk about the same subject but tweak the information and format it to the specific marketing channels you use, that way you can save time and effort. Having a podcast will also save you money, because it can be another free or inexpensive sales funnel to get people to your website or buy your offerings (Hint: using The Nest gives you the space, the equipment, and know-how to help you get started affordably!).

    It also helps you generate new content when you need it and organize your business pitch and goals. When you are coming up with topics for your podcast, you’re dividing different aspects of your business into consumable chunks. The more you come up with specific topics and do research around them to improve your podcast presentation, the better you will become at it. In turn, such an approach will help you to develop a multi-dimensional focus for your niche-related offerings. These subsequently become ways to improve your product range and grow sales.

  3. It promotes and solidifies your brand.

    This is a one-sided medium for you to get your message across, so it’s a chance to express your brand values and what your company stands for. It also gives your listeners a sense of you “pulling back the curtain.” Whether that's sharing cool things you’re working on or featuring new clients, there’s plenty of potential to highlight your businesses’ best bits. If you’re sharing useful and relevant content, then you can establish yourself as an expert in your niche and others in that community will value your opinion.

Ultimately, you have to decide if you have the time and the consistency to put in to create and maintain a podcast, but there are many benefits to having one many more than we’ve stated here! But there’s no better time to start than right now! And you don’t need to go it alone! At The Root, we offer The Nest, a recording and post production studio for your podcasting projects to take flight! We have a comfortable space, equipment, and industry experts for consultation. Basically, we’ll be with you every step of the way. Find out more below 👇👇👇


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